
Skill Wave – This game will captivate you with its impossibleness…

How good are you at playing video games? Are you Good? Bad? or Somewhere In Between? If you’re planning on mastering today’s game, you’ll have to be “Insanely Brilliant” at video games! (…or just be really, really lucky😉)

Skill Wave is another game with a title that pretty much explains itself. Based on pure skill alone, you’ll need to have an amazing level of skill in order to master the art of playing this game. (This said, a low skill level won’t stop you from having fun😆)

Played a little like a top down avoider + a flappy style game merged into one, your mission in this game is to avoid everything (but powerups) at all costs! Your player (a small yellow dot) is controlled by pressing and releasing to control left and right motion, and will constantly move left (like a broken shopping trolly) if you don’t touch on the screen.

Honestly, at first, this game felt rather annoying. The controls are very unique and are definitely not the easiest to get used to, and the sheer number of obstacles you’ll need to avoid make playing Skill Wave potentially harder than Flappy Bird!

If you give up here, Skill Wave will forever be that annoying game you never quite figured out how to play… Until you discover “Powerups!”

The Powerups in this game make all the difference! Mostly consisting of lots of bullets and invisibility, once you experience that magical moment when you zig zag from power up to power up destroying anything that stands in your path, chances are you’ll be addicted for life😉

With nice minimalist graphics, super challenging gameplay, and ballistical powerups! This game will captivate you with its impossibleness.

Want to give Skill Wave a try? The download link is just below😉

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